题目: On adelic Eisenstein series
报告人: 易少云,厦门大学
时间: 2025年3月28日(周五)10:00-11:00
地点: 东区五教5505
摘要: In this talk, we will explore the classical Siegel Eisenstein series of weight k and degree 2 within an adelic framework, mainly using the method known as“Hecke summation”. In the process, we recover the classical Fourier expansion of the Siegel Eisenstein series from an adelic point of view. One of our goals is to determine the automorphic representations associated to these Siegel Eisenstein series, particularly for the case of weight k = 2, where the representation is highly reducible. We will begin by reviewing the recent results in the study of classical and adelic Eisenstein series for GL(2), which may be viewed as a toy example. Then, we will present an overview of ongoing work on the Siegel Eisenstein series of degree 2. These are joint works with Manami Roy and Ralf Schmidt.