12-23【柳铭坤】腾讯会议 几何拓扑及高阶Teichmuller研讨班系列报告之四十


题目: Length spectra of random metric map of large genus: a Teichmüller theory approach



https://meeting.tencent.com/dm/yDiByNQGYzuD  #腾讯会议:618-864-588

摘要:After a brief historical review, I will explain how to pick a (uniform) random hyperbolic surface of genus g. After that, we will focus on the length spectrum. More precisely, we will look at short closed geodesics on a random hyperbolic surface of genus g. It turns out that, when g is big, the lengths of these geodesics are distributed in exactly the same way as those of the short cycles in a large random graph. This is a joint work with Simon Barazer and Alessandro Giacchetto.