04-27【Tsukasa Ishibashi】Zoom 几何拓扑及高阶Teichmuller研讨班系列报告之十六


报告题目:Moduli space of decorated G-local systems and skein algebras

报告人:Tsukasa Ishibashi, Tohoku University


会议链接:Zoom meeting invitation - Zhe Sun的Zoom会议 https://us06web.zoom.us/j/8784574760 


摘要:The moduli space of decorated (twisted) G-local systems on a marked surface, originally introduced by Fock–Goncharov, is known to have a natural cluster K_2 structure. In particular, it admits a quantization via the framework of quantum cluster algebras, due to Berenstein—Zelevinsky and Goncharov—Shen. In this talk, I will explain its (in general conjectural) relation to the skein algebras. This talk is based on joint works with Hironori Oya, Linhui Shen and Wataru Yuasa.