09-23【狄振兴】腾讯会议 吴文俊数学重点实验室代数学系列报告之205


题目:Abelian model structures on the categories of representations over diagrams of abelian categories






摘要:A diagram of abelian categories is a family of abelian categories glued by an index category. The central theme of our work is to determine whether local properties shared by all abelian categories of a diagram of abelian categories can be amalgamated to the corresponded global properties of the representation category over the diagram. We investigate the structure of the representation category, construct important functors and establish adjunction relations between them. As applications, we study the “global” cotorsion theory in the representation category induced by “local” cotorsion theories in each abelian category, and construct abelian model structures on the representation category for some special index categories. This is a joint work with Liping Li, Li Liang, and Nina Yu.