10-10【杨瑞杰】腾讯会议 吴文俊数学重点实验室代数学系列报告之191


题目:The cohomology of semisimple local systems and the Decomposition Theorem

报告人:杨瑞杰, 洪堡大学数学所


腾讯会议 ID:946 831 576



In the first talk, I will discuss two Hodge-theoretic aspects of cohomology of semisimple local systems: polarizations and yoga of weights. In particular, I will talk about a generalization of Hodge-Riemann bilinear relations and a global invariant cycle theorem for semisimple local systems.  This talk should be accessible to graduate students.

In the second talk, I will discuss how to apply previous results to give a simple and geometric proof of the Decomposition Theorem for semisimple local systems, which was proved by Sabbah as a special case of Kashiwara’s conjecture. Our proof doesn’t require the complicated category of polarizable twistor D-modules. This is based on the joint work with Chuanhao Wei.