05-21【Jiangtao Yu】腾讯会议 GAP研讨班系列讲座之196


TitleComplete 2-convex translating solitons to the mean curvature flow in R^{n+1}

SpeakerJiangtao Yu Lehigh University 


Room腾讯会议号31396184499;密码202104 /物质科研楼 C1124


AbstractBy using a result of Derdziński on Codazzi tensors, we extend the work of Spruck and Xiao in Complete Translating Solitons to the Mean Curvature Flow in R^3 with Nonnegative Mean Curvature to higher dimensions. More precisely, for n  3, we show that n-dimensional complete 2-convex translating solitons for the mean curvature flow in Rn+1 are convex.