03-15【于东晓】腾讯会议 微分方程系列讲座


题目:Modified scattering for a scalar quasilinear wave equation satisfying the weak null condition

报告人:于东晓 (UC Berkeley)

时间:3月15日上午 9:30

地点:腾讯会议 308173442

摘要:I will discuss the modified scattering theory for a scalar quasilinear wave equation in three space dimensions. This equation satisfies the weak null condition introduced by Lindblad and Rodnianski, and it admits small data global existence which was proved by Lindblad. In this talk, I will first introduce a new notion of asymptotic profile by deriving a new reduced system for the model equation. I will then present a proof of the existence of the modified wave operators. Finally, I will discuss my current work on the asymptotic completeness.