国家数学与交叉科学中心合肥分中心报告【Yann Savoye】



报告题目:Cage-based Living Geometry 
报告人:Yann Savoye, Innsbruck University, Austria

  间:20151118    下午2:00 --3:30

  点:东区管理科研楼  数学科学学院1208


Nowadays, video-based animations of live-actor performances are easier to acquire. Also, 3D Video has reached considerable attentions in visual media productions. In this talk, we focus on the importance of polytopes in the form of volumic cage-based deformers for capturing and reusing surfaces in motion. We define cage-based performance capture as the process of capturing non-rigid surfaces of actors from multi-view using polytopal cages as an underlying deformable model. As a result, registered cage-handles trajectories allow the reconstruction of complex mesh sequences by deforming an enclosed mesh. In the context of vision-based graphics, polytopes offer sufficient degrees of freedom and space abstraction to dynamically capture non-rigid surface motion and to learn space-time shape variability. We illustrate the problem of extracting, acquiring and reusing non-rigid polytopal parametrization in four items: (1) cage-based inverse kinematics, (2) conversion of dynamic surface into cage-based animation, (3) cage-based surface stylization, and (4) cage-based registration. Finally, we demonstrate the benefit of 3D polytopes as reduced domain for performance capture, decoupling motion from geometry.


Since March 2015, Dr. Yann Savoye is a researcher in Visual Computing at Innsbruck University in Austria. His research interests lie in the field of Computer Graphics, Computer Vision, and recently in Digital Fabrication. In 2012, he obtained a Ph.D. degree from University of Bordeaux in France with contributions focused on converting captured dynamic surfaces into reusable cage-based animation. He is the author of a book in Cage-based Performance Capture. He was visiting researcher at University of Porto (in Portugal), Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (in Israel), and Shandong University (in China). He is a member of the editorial board of the Encyclopedia of Computer Graphics and Game at Springer.