国家数学与交叉科学中心合肥分中心报告【Ralph Martin,Etienne Vouga,Yann Savoye】



地点: 中国科学技术大学 东区管理科研楼 1611室

时间:2015年11月17日 周二 下午2:00-5:30

-------------------------------------- 报告1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Title: Fast Low Discrepancy Surface Sampling

Speaker: Ralph Martin, Cardiff University, UK

Abstract: This talk summarises work on low-discrepancy sampling of parametric surfaces and meshes based on use of space-filling curves, and suggests two applications of such work: shape retrieval based on distance histograms, and non-photorealistic stroke-based rendering.

Speaker Bio: Ralph Martin obtained his PhD in 1983 from Cambridge University. Since then he has been at Cardiff University, where he now leads the Visual Computing research group. He is also a Guest Professor at Tsinghua and two other Universities in China. His publications include over 250 papers and 14 books covering such topics as solid modelling, surface modelling, reverse engineering, intelligent sketch input, mesh processing, video processing, computer graphics, vision based geometric inspection, and geometric reasoning. He is a Fellow of the Learned Society of Wales.  He is on the editorial boards of "Computer Aided Design", "Computer Aided Geometric Design", "Geometric Models", "Computers and Graphics", and other journals. He was recently awarded a "Friendship Award" by the Chinese Government, the highest award for foreigners.

-------------------------------------- 报告2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Title: Geometry-aware Simulation and Design

Speaker: Etienne Vouga, University of Texas at Austin, USA

Abstract: Computer simulations of everyday deformable materials like cloth, hair, and paper, and inverse algorithms for designing the behavior of these materials, have become increasingly sophisticated, with applications to scientific computing, video game and movie special effects, and engineering. Significant effort has been invested in coming up with algorithms to represent these materials efficiently, and simulate them realistically in reasonable time. My research combines computer graphics, computational physics, and discrete differential geometry to create new algorithms that are efficient but still have provable guarantees. I will discuss three areas that have particularly interested me: simulating thin shells with provably correct handling of collisions; simulating thin shells undergoing large nonlinear deformations, like paper cones or cylinders crumpling when crushed; and solving the inverse problem of fitting collapsible/deployable origami to curved surfaces.

Speaker Bio: Etienne Vouga is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the University of Texas at Austin. He received his PhD at Columbia University in 2013 under Eitan Grinpsun and spent a year as an NSF Mathematical Sciences Postdoctoral Fellow at Harvard, working with L.
Mahadevan. His research interests include physical simulation, geometry processing, and discrete differential geometry, with applications to computer graphics and computational mechanics. Special effects studios Disney and Weta Digital have used his work on cloth and hair simulation in movies such as Tangled and The Hobbit.

-------------------------------------- 报告3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Title: 3D Printing and Digital Fabrication

Speaker: Yann Savoye, Innsbruck University, Austria

Abstract: Nowadays, 3D printing is an emergent and widespread technology employed to enable fast prototyping for digital fabrication of real-world objects with interesting applications in medicine, aerospace and fashion design. In particular, 3D Printing refers to manufacturing technologies using 3D Printers for fabricating real-world shapes using a wide range of physical material. In this talk, we survey recent fundamental works for various aspects of digital fabrication include hollowing, structural analysis, slicing, fabricable parts, support structure, appearance, mechanical toy, and balancing. Finally, we highlight existing geometric optimization tools recently developed in the context of 3D printing and late-breaking trends in structural analysis.

Speaker Bio: Since March 2015, Dr. Yann Savoye is a researcher in Visual Computing at Innsbruck University in Austria. His research interests lie in the field of Computer Graphics, Computer Vision, and recently in Digital Fabrication. In 2012, he obtained a Ph.D. degree from University of Bordeaux in France with contributions focused on converting captured dynamic surfaces into reusable cage-based animation. He is the author of a book in Cage-based Performance Capture. He was visiting researcher at University of Porto (in Portugal), Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (in Israel), and Shandong University (in China). He is a member of the editorial board of the Encyclopedia of Computer Graphics and Game at Springer.