吴文俊讲座【秦厚荣 教授】


报告题目:The extended Bloch groups of biquadratic and dihedral number fields
报告人:秦厚荣  教授  南京大学

摘要: In this talk, we will discuss the Galois action on the extended Bloch groups of biquadratic and dihedral number fields. We show that if $F$ is a biquadratic number field, then the index $Q_2(F)$ in Browkin and Gangl's formulas on the Brauer-Kuroda relation can only be $1$ or $2$. This is exactly what Browkin and Gangl predicted in their paper. Moreover we give the explicit criteria for $Q_2(F)=1$ or $2$ in terms of the Tate kernels. We also prove that $Q_2(F)=1$ or $p$ for any dihedral extension $F//Q$ whose Galois group is the dihedral group of order $2p$, where $p$ is an odd prime.
