2015年几何暑期学校系列课程【Xiaodong Wang】


课程名称:Introuduction to Complex Geometry

授 课 人:Prof. Xiaodong Wang (Michigan State University, USA)

课时安排:5月26日―7月8日  周二,周四9:30―11:30


课程摘要:Complex geometry has been a very active area in recent years. It has deep interactions with other areas, e.g.
algebraic geometry, Riemannian geometry and math physics. Despite the recent enormous progress, there are still many interesting directions to explore.
This course will serve as an introduction to complex geometry. We will cover the following topics: holomorphic functions of several variables on domains of $/C^n$, complex manifolds, holomorphic vector bundles and Chern classes, Kahler metrics, sheafs and their cohomology, Hodge theory, the Riemann-Roch theorem (proof for Riemann surfaces), the L^2 estimates and applications.