

题目: GIT and cscK metrics on toric manifolds

报告人: Dr Naoto Yotsutani (复旦大学)

摘要: This short course will give an introduction to the main idea of Geometric
Invariant Theory (GIT) and the relationship with constant scalar curvature
Kahler (cscK) metrics in the toric setting. The main goals of these talks should

(a) to compute the toric Donaldson-Futaki invariant of a convex function on
the associated moment polytope P under the simplified condition;

(b) to prove that K-polystability is necessary condition for the existence of a
torus invariant cscK metric from the toric picture.

时间: 5月9日,17日,24日下午2:00-5:00

地点: 五教 5306