题 目::Penrose transformation and k-Cauchy-Fueter operators in quaternion analysis
报告人:王伟 教授 浙江大学数学系
时 间:5月3日星期四下午4:30--5:30
地 点:管研楼1518
摘 要:By using complex geometric method associated to the Penrose transformation, we can obtain an exact sequence over the complex space, whose associated differential complex over quaternionic space is the k-Cauchy-Fueter complex. By solving this differential complex, we can derive many properties of k-regular functions, e.g., Hartogs' extension phenomenon. The construction also implies the following 1-1 correspondence: the first cohomology group of the sheaf O (-k-2) over the projective space and the solutions to the k-Cauchy-Fueter equations on the quaternionic space. According to the realization of the first cohomology as closed (0, 1)-forms or Cech cochains, we can realize this correspondence as two integral transformations.
主办单位:中国科学技术大学数学科学学院 国家数学与交叉科学中心合肥分中心 中科院吴文俊数学重点实验室