题 目: Inverse Scattering with Dirac operators
报告人: Prof. Swanhild Bernstein
TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany
时 间:3月22日星期四上午9:00-10:00
地 点:管研楼1308
摘 要: In instationary nonlinear PDE, a pair of linear operators acting on
a certain Hilbert space of complex-valued functions forms a Lax pair if the
PDE arises as the compatibility condition between the two given operators.
Another pair is more general, given by Ablowitz, Kaup, Newel, Segur without
restriction to an eigenvalue dependence. We will use the AKNS method to
obtain a nonlinear system linked to a nonlinear multidimensional PDE.
Moreover, a close observation on both methods suggests a construction of Lax
or AKNS pairs in terms of the Dirac operator, that is, the first order
operator which factorizes the Laplacian.
主办单位: 中国科学技术大学数学科学学院
报告人: Prof. Swanhild Bernstein
TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany
时 间:3月22日星期四上午9:00-10:00
地 点:管研楼1308
摘 要: In instationary nonlinear PDE, a pair of linear operators acting on
a certain Hilbert space of complex-valued functions forms a Lax pair if the
PDE arises as the compatibility condition between the two given operators.
Another pair is more general, given by Ablowitz, Kaup, Newel, Segur without
restriction to an eigenvalue dependence. We will use the AKNS method to
obtain a nonlinear system linked to a nonlinear multidimensional PDE.
Moreover, a close observation on both methods suggests a construction of Lax
or AKNS pairs in terms of the Dirac operator, that is, the first order
operator which factorizes the Laplacian.
主办单位: 中国科学技术大学数学科学学院