题 目: The Bernstein problem for minimal submanifolds of Euclidean space
报告人: Jurgen Jost (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences,
时 间:3月13日,周二,下午4:30-5:30
地 点:东区管研楼1611会议室
摘要: TBA
报告人简介:Professor Jurgen Jost was born on June 9, 1956 in Münster.
Study of mathematics, physics, economics and philosophy at Bonn Univ. (1975-
1980), PhD in Mathematics (1980), Professor Ruhr Univ. Bochum (1984-1996),
Director and Scientific Member at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics
in the Sciences (since 1996), Honorary Professor at Leipzig Univ. (1998),
External Member Santa Fe Institute for the Sciences of Complexity, New
Mexico, USA. Member of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina,
Academy of Sciences and Literature at Mainz, Saxonian Academy of Sciences.
Gottfried-Wilhelm-Leibniz Award of the DFG (1993), ERC Advanced Grant (2010).