01-03【黄治中】五教5306 吴文俊数学重点实验室代数学系列报告之164


报告题目:Arithmetic purity: strong approximation and counting integral points on homogeneous spaces




摘要: We report recent progress on a joint project with Yang Cao. If an algebraic variety over a number field verifies strong approximation off a finite set of places, it has been first conjectured by Wittenberg that this property is maintained under the removal of any subvariety of codimension two. If this is the case, then we say that the variety satisfies arithmetic purity. A closely related question is the density of integral points whose multivariable polynomial values have no common gcd's. We confirm the arithmetic purity for semi-simple simply connected k-simple isotropic linear algebraic groups, and for affine quadratic hypersurfaces, using different methods. They show how the fibration method for rational points and various sieve methods (e.g. affine almost prime linear sieve, Ekedahl’s geometric sieve, Iwaniec’s half-dimensional sieve) match together.

