12-24【徐士鑫】管理楼1418 天元基金几何与随机分析及其应用交叉讲座之170


题目:Mathematical Models for Complex Fluids by Using Energy Variational Method 

报告人: 徐士鑫 杜克大学昆山分校

时间: 2019年12月24日  10:30-11:30

地点: 管理科研楼 1418


Complex fluids are those with internal microstructures whose evolution affects the macroscopic dynamics of the material, especially the rheology. So it is a multiscale and multicomponent problem. Those internal microstructures interactions will induce some non-Newtonian mechanical properties, for example, viscoelasticity and strain stiffening. A lot of models have been proposed to model different types of complex fluids. In this talk, we will present the energetic variational approach by which the model is always thermal dynamic consistent. We will also talk about applications of energetic variation method on different scales of complex fluids.