



英文名称:Introduction to Discontinuous Galerkin Methods


上课时间:7月 6, 8, 9, 10,15日,  8:30-11:40


预修课程:elementary numerical analysis and computer programming


该学期教材:Numerical Solutions of Partial Differential Equations,
          S. Bertoluzza, S. Falletta, G. Russo and C.-W. Shu,
          Advanced Courses in Mathematics CRM Barcelona,
          Birkh/"{a}user, Basel, 2009, pages 149-201.

课程简介:This short course is open to upper level undergraduate students who have taken basic numerical analysis courses, and graduate students.  It will give a short introductionto a class of very popular finite element methods, the so-called discontinuous Galerkin methods, for solving convection dominated partial differential equations. We will describe the algorithm formulation, give stability analysis and error estimates, and discuss practical implementation issues of the discontinuous Galerkin methods when applied to hyperbolic conservation laws, convection diffusion equations, PDEs containing higher derivatives such as the KdV equations, and steady state elliptic type equations.