

题  目: Chemotactic Traveling Waves with Logarithmic Sensitivity
报告人: 王治安博士
时  间: 12月20日 (周二)下午2:30-3:30
地  点: 管理科研楼 1611
Abstract: In this talk, we will discuss traveling wave solutions for a class of chemotaxis models with logarithmic sensitivity, which may describe a variety of biological/medical phenomena including bacterial chemotactic motion, initiation of angiogenesis and reinforced random walks.  The challenges of analyzing traveling wave solutions of such type of chemotaxis model lie in the high dimensionality and the singularity. Hence the routine approaches, such as phase plane analysis, no longer work.   In the talk, we shall show these challenges can be resolved by variable transformations, such that the transformed system can be solved by the regular approaches.
The existence, wave speed and stability of traveling wave solutions will be discussed and open questions will be presented.
