

题  目:Jacobi structures of evolutionary partial differential equations
报告人:刘思齐教授       清华大学数学科学系
时  间:2011年11月23日15:00-16:00
地  点:管理科研楼1518
摘  要:We introduce the notion of infinite dimensional Jacobi structure to describe the geometrical structure of a class of nonlocal Hamiltonian systems which appear naturally when applying reciprocal transformations to Hamiltonian evolutionary PDEs. The Lichnerowicz-Jacobi cohomologies for certainnon-degenerate Jacobi structures are computed, and a Darboux theorem is proved in this case. We also introduce the notion of bi-Jacobi structures, and consider the integrability of a system of evolutionary PDEs that possesses a bi-Jacobi structure.
Reference: Liu, Si-Qi; Zhang, Youjin. Jacobi structures of evolutionary partial differential equations.
Adv. Math. 227 (2011), no. 1, 73�130
主办单位:中国科学技术大学数学科学学院          国家数学与交叉科学中心合肥分中心          中科院吴文俊数学重点实验室