12-23【林伟扬】腾讯会议 几何拓扑及高阶Teichmuller研讨班系列报告之十一


报告题目:Deformation space of circle patterns

报告人:林伟扬, University of Luxembourg

时间: 2022年12月23日(周五)14:30-15:30




摘要:William Thurston proposed regarding the map induced from two circle packings with the same tangency pattern as a discrete holomorphic function. A discrete analogue of the Riemann mapping is deduced from Koebe-Andreev-Thurston theorem. One question is how to extend this theory to Riemann surfaces and relate classical conformal structures to discrete conformal structures. Since circles are preserved under complex projective transformations, we consider circle packings on surfaces with complex projective structures.

Kojima, Mizushima and Tan conjectured that for a given combinatorics the deformation space of circle packings is diffeomorphic to the Teichmueller space. In this talk, we explain how graph Laplacian is used and the extension to infinite circle patterns on open disks.
