School of Mathematical Sciences

University of Science and Technology of China



The School of Mathematical Sciences established in 1958, the Department of Mathematics was chaired by Prof. Luogeng Hua, the well-known mathematician. A number of distinguished mathematicians, such as Dr. Zhaozhi Guan, Wenjun Wu, Kang Feng, Sheng Gong, Yuan Wang, etc. taught here. In May 2011, the School of Mathematical Sciences was formally established, and the first dean is the academician, Prof. Zhiming Ma.

The School of Mathematical Sciences is the first national base for science students' education and key training base for doctors of CAS. It has the “Changjiang Scholarship” distinguished position and is authorized to grant all Mathematical Ph.D. degrees. In 2007, the School of Mathematical Sciences was granted the first level key discipline and constructive discipline of “985” 211” and“knowledge innovation” of CAS programs. In order to attract more researchers on the top level, the School of Mathematical Sciences is offered with“Hua Luogeng Master Professorship” and“Wu Wenjun Master Professorship” by USTC.

Fields Medalist YAU Shing-Tung Visits USTC and Gives Lecture
Fields Medalist YAU Shing-Tung Visits USTC and Gives Lecture
E Weinan wins the 2019 Peter Henrici Award
E Weinan wins the 2019 Peter Henrici Award
China-France Mathematics Talents Class Launches
China-France Mathematics Talents Class Launches
Mathematician Efim Zelmanov Visited USTC and Gave Lectures
Mathematician Efim Zelmanov Visited USTC and Gave Lectures
The 4th China-Japan Geometry Conference Held
The 4th China-Japan Geometry Conference Held
Collaborative research program between ICTP and Chinese Institutions
Collaborative research program between ICTP and Chinese Institutions

Data fusion and statistical learning in patient care cycle: from diagnosis to care to system-level decision-making
Title:Data fusion and statistical learning in patient care cycle: from diagnosis to care to system-level decision-making Speaker:Bing Si,State University of New York at BinghamtonTime: 2020-01-10,16:00-17:00Place:Room 1418, Management
Workshop on Geometry and Physics
Date: January 4, 2020 (Saturday)Place:  Room 1418, Management R&D Building, USTC       Conference Schedule                            &n
Ellipticity of the Bartnik Boundary Conditions
Title:Ellipticity of the Bartnik Boundary ConditionsSpeaker:Zhongshan An(University of Connecticut)Time: 2020-01-03,10:30-12:00 Place:Room 5406, The 5th Teaching Building, East CampusAbstract:The Bartnik quasi-local mass is defined to measu
Complex structures on Einstein four-manifolds of positive scalar curvature
Title: Complex structures on Einstein four-manifolds of positive scalar curvatureSpeaker:Wu Peng, Shanghai Center for Mathematical Sciences SCMSTime: 2019-12-27,16:00-17:30 Place: Room 5107, The 5th Teaching Building, East CampusAbstract:In
Stability of peakons of the shallow water modeling with cubic nonlinearity
Title:Stability of peakons of the shallow water modeling with cubic nonlinearitySpeaker:Liu Yue,University of Texas Arlington TX Time:12-25  9:40-10:40Place:Room 1418, School of Mathematical Sciences, Management Research Building,
Commuting partial differential operators and higher-dimensional algebraic varieties in connection with higher-dimensional analogues of the KP theory
Title: Commuting partial differential operators and higher-dimensional algebraic varieties in connection with higher-dimensional analogues of the KP theorySpeaker:Alexander Zheglov,Moscow State UniversityTime:2019-12-9  10:00-11:00Plac