【08月29日-09月02日】 Zoom会议 Introduction to Multigrid Methods系列讲座


Introduction to Multigrid Methods


Lecturer: Professor J.J.W. van der Vegt (University of Twente)

Zoom Meeting ID: 835 1154 2109
Passcode: 818354


15:00-17:00, August 29, 2022 (Beijing time)

15:00-17:00, August 30, 2022 (Beijing time)

15:00-17:00, August 31, 2022 (Beijing time)

15:00-17:00, September 1, 2022 (Beijing time)

15:00-17:00, September 2, 2022 (Beijing time)



Multigrid methods provide very efficient iterative methods for the solution of large systems of (non)linear algebraic equations that result for instance from the discretization of partial differential equations. In a multigrid method several coarsened approximations of the algebraic system and well-designed smoothers are used to accelerate the convergence of the iterative method. This can result in very efficient iterative methods, but if one wants to develop new multigrid algorithms or understand the performance of existing algorithms, then multilevel analysis is indispensible.


In this class an outline of basic multigrid and iterative methods will be given and mathematical techniques to understand and predict their performance will be discussed. No prior knowledge of multigrid or iterative methods will be required.


After this class you should be able to use basic iterative and multigrid methods, analyze and (approximately) predict multigrid performance using multilevel analysis and apply these techniques to improve and test multigrid algorithms. The main applications will be from numerical discretizations of partial differential equations.



U. Trottenberg, C.W. Oosterlee, A. Schüller, Multigrid, Academic Press, ISBN 0-12-701070-X, 2001.