04-08【Sung-Jin Oh】ZOOM 偏微分方程系列报告


题目:Soliton resolution for the self-dual Chern-Simons-Schrödinger model under equivariance symmetry

报告人:Sung-Jin Oh (UC Berkeley)


地点:ZOOM ID: 736 190 7370 passcode: 122595

摘要:The self-dual Chern-Simons-Schrödinger model is a gauged cubic NLS on the plane with self-duality, i.e., energy minimizers are given by a first-order Cauchy-Riemann-type equation, rather than a second-order elliptic equation. While this equation shares all formal symmetries with the usual cubic NLS on the plane, the structure of solitary waves is quite different due to self-duality and nonlocality (which stems from the gauge structure). In accordance, this model possesses blow-up and global dynamics that are quite different from that of the usual cubic NLS. The goal of this talk is to present a recent proof of soliton resolution for this model in equivariance symmetry, built upon surprising features of this model such as the impossibility of a ``bubble-tree'' blow-up. This talk is based on joint work with Kihyun Kim (IHES) and Soonsik Kwon (KAIST).