04-26【黄佳习】五教5407 吴文俊数学重点实验室微分方程系列报告之6


题目:Local Well-posedness of Skew Mean Curvature Flow for Small Data in d≥4 Dimensions

报告人:黄佳习 (北京大学)



摘要:The skew mean curvature flow is an evolution equation for d dimensional manifolds embedded in Rd+2 (or more generally, in a Riemannian manifold). It can be viewed as a Schrodinger analogue of the mean curvature flow, or alternatively as a quasilinear version of the Schrodinger Map equation. In this talk, we prove small data local well-posedness in low-regularity Sobolev spaces for skew mean curvature flow in dimension d≥4. This is based on joint work with Daniel Tataru.