03-11【孔令欣】腾讯会议 离散几何系列讲座


报告题目: padic tensor network and emergent Einstein equation

报 告 人:  孔令欣

报告人所在单位: 复旦大学

报告日期: 2021-03-11 星期四

报告时间: 9:00-10:00

报告地点: 腾讯会议 ID:723 299 312, 密码:  24680

报告摘要: We take the tensor network describing explicit p-adic CFT partition functions proposed in [1], and considered boundary conditions of the network describing a deformed Bruhat-Tits (BT) tree geometry. We demonstrate that this geometry satisfies an emergent graph Einstein equation in a unique way that is consistent with the bulk effective matter action encoding the same correlation function as the tensor network, at least in the perturbative limit order by order away from the pure BT tree. Moreover, the (perturbative) definition of the graph curvature in the Mathematics literature [2–4] naturally emerges from the consistency requirements of the emergent Einstein equation. This could provide new insights into the understanding of gravitational dynamics potentially encoded in more general tensor networks.