12-13【陈慧斌】五教5307 吴文俊数学重点实验室微分几何系列报告


Title:Geodesic orbit metrics on semisimple compact homogeneous spaces

Speaker:陈慧斌   (南京师范大学)

Time:2019年12月13日       下午  15:00-15:45

Room:东区第五教学楼  5307室

Abstract:Geodesic orbit manifolds were introduced by Kowalski and Vanhecke in 1991 as a generalization of symmetric spaces. There are many subclasses of geodesic orbit metrics on homogeneous spaces, for example, naturally reductive metrics and metrics on weakly symmetric spaces. Most examples of geodesic orbit spaces are naturally reductive or weakly symmetric spaces. In this talk, we will show an effective method for constructing non-naturally reductive geodesic orbit metrics on homogeneous spaces which are not weakly symmetric spaces. This is a joint work with Zhiqi Chen and Fuhai Zhu.