

报告题目: SRB measures of partially hyperbolic systems in a Hilbert space
报告人:Lian Zeng(英国拉夫堡大学)
时间: 7月22日(周三) 16:00-17:00
地点: 东区管研楼1318
摘要:   SRB (Sinai-Bowen-Bowen) measure is a type of invariant measures which plays a very important roll in smooth ergodic theory. For example, for C^2 diffeomorphisms on Riemannian manifolds, (Pesin) entropy formula holds if and only if the invariant measure is an SRB measure. In this talk, I will report some recent developments on SRB measures for partially hyperbolic systems in a Hilbert space. (This is a joint work with Peidong Liu, Kening Lu, Lai-Sang Young.)
