


1. The fourfold way in real analysis : an alternative to the metaplectic representation / Andr Unterberger.

Progress in mathematics (Boston, Mass.) ; v. 250.

2. Matrix algebra : theory, computations, and applications in statistics / James E. Gentle. Springer, c2007

3. Convexity properties of Hamiltonian group actions / Victor Guillemin, Reyer Sjamaar. CRM monograph series, 1065-8599 ; v. 26

4. Elementary functional analysis Barbara D. MacCluer.New York ; London : Springer, 2009.

5. The Dirac spectrum / Nicolas Ginoux Berlin : Springer, c2009.

6. Partial differential equations / Jurgen Jost. New York : Springer, c2007.

7. An invitation to variational methods in differential equations / David G. Costa. Boston : Birkhuser, c2007.

8. Degree of approximation by polynomials in the complex domain, by W.E. Sewell. Annals of mathematics studies, no. 9

9. Convergence and uniformity in topology, by John W. Turkey.

Princeton, Princeton University Press; London, H. Milford, Oxford University Press, 1940.

10. Commensurabilities among lattices in PU (1,n) / by Pierre Deligne and G. Daniel Mostow.

Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1993

11. An extension of Casson's invariant / by Kevin Walker.

Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1992.

12. Algebraic topology and algebraic K-theory : proceedings of a conference, October 24-28, 1983 at Princeton University, dedicated to John C. Moore on his 60th birthday / edited by William Browder.

Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1987.

13. Convergence and uniformity in topology, by John W. Turkey.

Princeton, Princeton University Press; London, H. Milford, Oxford University Press, 1940.

14. Contributions to the theory of Riemann surfaces; centennial celebration of Riemann's dissertation [by] L.V. Ahlfors [and others]

Princeton, N.J., Princeton University Press, 1953.

15. An essay toward a unified theory of special functions based upon the functional equation

Princeton, Princeton Univ. Press, 1948.

16. Combinatorics of train tracks / by R.C. Penner with J.L. Harer.

Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1992.

17. Cosmology in (2+1)- dimensions, cyclic models, and deformations of M2,1 / by Victor Guillemin.

Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1989.

18. Stochastic analysis in discrete and continuous settings : with normal martingales / Nicolas Privault.

Berlin : Springer, c2009

19. Blocks and families for cyclotomic Hecke algebras / Maria Chlouveraki.

Berlin : Springer, c2009.

20. Lectures on topological fluid mechanics : lectures given at the C.I.M.E. Summer School held in Cetraro, Italy, July 2-10, 2001 / Mitchell A. Berger ... [et al.] ; editor: Renzo L. Ricca.

Berlin : Springer, c2009.

21. Maple and Mathematica : a problem solving approach for mathematics / Inna Shingareva, Carlos Lizrraga-Celaya.

Wien ; New York : Springer, c2007.

22. Algebras, rings and modules / by Michiel Hazewinkel, Nadiya Gubareni and V.V. Kirichenko.

Dordrecht ; London : Kluwer Academic Publishers, c2004-2007.

23. Potential analysis of stable processes and its extensions / Krzysztof Bogdan ... [et al.] ; volume editors, Piotr Graczyk, Andrzej Stos.

Berlin : Springer, c2009.

24. Differential systems and isometric embeddings / by Phillip A. Griffiths and Gary R. Jensen.

Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1987.

25. Aspects of Brownian motion Roger Mansuy, Marc Yor.

Berlin ; London : Springer, c2008.

26. Collected works / Michael Atiyah.

Oxford [Oxfordshire] : Clarendon Press ; New York : Oxford University Press, 1988-2004.

27. Degree of approximation by polynomials in the complex domain, by W.E. Sewell.

Princeton, Princeton university press; London, H. Milford, Oxford university press, 1942.

28. A theory of cross-spaces.

Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1950.

29. Classical Banach spaces I and II / Joram Lindenstrauss, Lior Tzafriri.

Berlin ; New York : Springer-Verlag, c1996.

30. P-adic deterministic and random dynamics / by Andrei Yu. Khrennikov and Marcus Nilsson.

Dordrecht ; Boston : Kluwer Academic Publishers, c2004.

31.Theory of set differential equations in metric spaces / V. Lakshmikantham, T. Gnana Bhaskar, J. Vasundhara Devi.

Cambridge, U.K. : Cambridge Scientific Publishers, c2006.

32. Surveys in combinatorics, 1991 / [edited by] A.D. Keedwell.

Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1991.

33. Surveys in combinatorics, 1993 : [invited papers for the fourteenth British Combinatorial conference] / edited by Keith Walker.

Cambridge [England] ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1993.

34. Geometric group theory : proceedings of the symposium held in Sussex, 1991 / edited by Graham A. Niblo and Martin A. Roller.

Cambridge ; New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 1993.

35. Boundary value problems and partial differential equations : student solutions manual / David L. Powers

Amsterdam, [the Netherlands] : Elsevier Academic Press, c2006.

36. Generalized analytic functions in fractional spaces / N. Bliev ; translated by H. Begehr and R. Radok.

Harlow : Longman, 1997.

37. Generalized analytic functions in fractional spaces / N. Bliev ; translated by H. Begehr and R. Radok.

Harlow : Longman, 1997.

38. Global solutions of nonlinear Schrdinger equations / J. Bourgain.

Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, c1999.

39. Global solutions of nonlinear Schrdinger equations / J. Bourgain.

Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, c1999.

40. An introduction to linear transformations in Hilbert space / by F.J. Murray.

Princeton : Princeton University Press ; London, H. Milford, Oxford University Press, 1941.

41. Contributions to the theory of nonlinear oscillations by S.P. Diliberto

Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1950

42. Topology II : homotopy and homology : classical manifolds / S. P. Novikov, V.A. Rokhlin (eds.)

Berlin : New York : Springer, c2004.

43. Lattices and Boolean algebras : first concepts / Vijay K. Khanna.

New Delhi : Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd., 2005.

44. Financial calculus : an introduction to derivative pricing = 金融数学 : 衍生产品定价引论 / Martin Baxter, Andrew Rennie.

北京 : Posts & Telecom Press, 2006.

45. The finite simple groups an introduction / Robert A. Wilson.

London ; New York : Springer, c2009.

46. Hyperkahler manifolds / Misha Verbitsky and Dmitri Kaledin.

Somerville, MA : International Press, c1999.

47. Classifying spaces of degenerating polarized Hodge structures / Kazuya Kato and Sampei Usui.

Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 2009.

48. Surveys in differential geometry : proceedings of the conference on geometry and topology held at Harvard University, April 23-25, 1993 / sponsored by Lehigh University's Journal of differential geometry ;

Cambridge, MA : International Press, c1995.

49. Algebra and geometry : proceedings of the International Conference of Algebra and Geometry : National Taiwan University, December 16-30, 1995 / Ming-chang Kang, editor ; C.-L. Chai

Cambridge, M.A. : International Press, c1998.

50.International Press Conference on Motives, Polylogarithms and Hodge Theory : University of California, Irvine, June 1998 / edited by Fedor Bogomolov, Ludmil Katzarkov. PT1.

Somerville, MA : International Press, c2002.

51.International Press Conference on Motives, Polylogarithms and Hodge Theory : University of California, Irvine, June 1998 / edited by Fedor Bogomolov, Ludmil Katzarkov. PT2.

Somerville, MA : International Press, c2002.

52. Algebra and geometry : proceedings of the International Conference of Algebra and Geometry : National Taiwan University, December 26-30, 1995 / Ming-chang Kang, editor ;

Cambridge, M.A. : International Press, c1998.

53. The Princeton companion to mathematics / editor, Timothy Gowers ; associate editors, June Barrow-Green, Imre Leader.

Princeton : Princeton University Press, c2008.

54. Interior point methods of mathematical programming / edited by Tams Terlaky.

Dordrecht, Netherlands ; Boston : Kluwer, c1996.

55. Interior point methods of mathematical programming / edited by Tams Terlaky.

Dordrecht, Netherlands ; Boston : Kluwer, c1996.

56. Euler systems / by Karl Rubin.

Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 2000.

57. An introduction to G-functions / by Bernard Dwork, Giovanni Gerotto, Francis J. Sullivan.

Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1994.

58. Cycles, transfers, and motivic homology theories / by Vladimir Voevodsky, Andrei Suslin, and Eric M. Friedlander.

Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 2000.

59. Geometric analysis and the calculus of variations / Jurgen Jost, editor.

Cambridge, MA : International Press, 1996.

60. Geometric analysis and the calculus of variations / Jurgen Jost, editor.

Cambridge, MA : International Press, 1996.

61.Computational physics : the proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computational Physics (ICCP-2), September 13-17, 1993, Beijing, China / edited by De-Yuan Li... [et al.] ; supported by Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics, Beijing... International Press, [1993]

62.Surveys in differential geometry : essays on Einstein manifolds

edited by Claude LeBrun, McKenzie Wang.

Cambridge, Mass. : International Press, c1999.

63.Differential geometry inspired by string theory / edited by S.-T. Yau.

Somerville, MA : International Press, c1999.

64.Surveys in differential geometry : lectures on Geometry and Topology held at Harvard University, May 3-5, 2002 / edited by S.-T. Yau.

Cambridge, MA : International Press, 2003.

65.Surveys in differential geometry : integral systems : lectures on geometry and topology, sponsored by Lehigh University's journal of differential geometry / edited by Chuu Lian Terng, Karen Uhlenbeck.

Cambridge, Mass. : International Press, c1998

66.Surveys in differential geometry : eigenvalues of Laplacians and other

geometric operators / edited by Alexander Grigor'yan, Shing Tung Yau.

Somerville, Mass. : International Press, c2004.

67.Analysis II / Claus Gerhardt.

Somerville, MA : International Press, 2006.

68.The Third Pacific Rim Geometry Conference : Dec. 16-19, 1996, Seoul, Korea / Jaigyoung Choe, editor ; sponsored by the Global Analysis Research Center and the Topology and Geometry Research Center.

Cambridge, MA : International Press, 1998.

69.Mathematical modeling in biomedical imaging I : electrical and ultrasound tomographies, anomaly detection, and brain imaging Habib Ammari (ed.).

Berlin : Springer, c2009.

70.Third International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians

Ka-Sing Lau, Zhou-Ping Xin, and Shing-Tung Yau, editors.

Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society ; [Somerville, Mass.] : International Press, c2008

71.Current developments in mathematics 2000 / B. Mazur ... [et al].

Cambridge, MA : International Press, c2001

72.Vector fields on singular varieties / Jean-Paul Brasselet, Jos Seade, Tatsuo Suwa.

Berlin : Springer, c2009

73.Layer-adapted meshes for reaction-convection-diffusion problems / torsten Linss.

Heidelberg : Springer, c2010.

74.Locally conformal Khler geometry / Sorin Dragomir, Liviu Ornea.

Boston : Birkhuser, c1998.

75.Functional calculus of pseudodifferential boundary problems / Gerd Grubb.

Boston : Birkhuser, c1996.

76.An introduction to the uncertainty principle : Hardy's theorem on Lie groups / Sundaram Thangavelu.

Boston : Birkhuser, c2004.

77.Quantization of singular symplectic quotients / N.P. Landsman, M. Pflaum, M. Schlichenmaier, editors.

Basel ; Boston : Birkhuser Verlag, c2001.

78.Geometric analysis and applications to quantum field theory / Peter Bouwknegt, Siye Wu, editors.

Boston : Birkhuser, c2002.

79.Resolution of singularities : a research textbook in tribute to Oscar Zariski : based on the courses given at the working week in Obergurgl, Austria, September 7-14, 1997 / H. Hauser ... [et al.], editors.

Basel ; Boston : Birkhauser Verlag, c2000.

80.The local Langlands conjecture for GL(2) / Colin J. Bushnell, Guy Henniart.

Berlin ; New York : Springer, c2006.