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Data fusion and statistical learning in patient care cycle: from diagnosis to care to system-level decision-making
Title:Data fusion and statistical learning in patient care cycle: from diagnosis to care to system-level decision-making Speaker:Bing Si,State University of New York at BinghamtonTime: 2020-01-10,16:00-17:00Place:Room 1418, Management
Workshop on Geometry and Physics
Date: January 4, 2020 (Saturday)Place:  Room 1418, Management R&D Building, USTC       Conference Schedule                            &n
Ellipticity of the Bartnik Boundary Conditions
Title:Ellipticity of the Bartnik Boundary ConditionsSpeaker:Zhongshan An(University of Connecticut)Time: 2020-01-03,10:30-12:00 Place:Room 5406, The 5th Teaching Building, East CampusAbstract:The Bartnik quasi-local mass is defined to measu
Complex structures on Einstein four-manifolds of positive scalar curvature
Title: Complex structures on Einstein four-manifolds of positive scalar curvatureSpeaker:Wu Peng, Shanghai Center for Mathematical Sciences SCMSTime: 2019-12-27,16:00-17:30 Place: Room 5107, The 5th Teaching Building, East CampusAbstract:In
Stability of peakons of the shallow water modeling with cubic nonlinearity
Title:Stability of peakons of the shallow water modeling with cubic nonlinearitySpeaker:Liu Yue,University of Texas Arlington TX Time:12-25  9:40-10:40Place:Room 1418, School of Mathematical Sciences, Management Research Building,
Commuting partial differential operators and higher-dimensional algebraic varieties in connection with higher-dimensional analogues of the KP theory
Title: Commuting partial differential operators and higher-dimensional algebraic varieties in connection with higher-dimensional analogues of the KP theorySpeaker:Alexander Zheglov,Moscow State UniversityTime:2019-12-9  10:00-11:00Plac
Symbolic extensions for 3-dimensional diffeomorphisms
Title:Symbolic extensions for 3-dimensional diffeomorphismsSpeaker:Liao Gang, Suzhou UniversityTime:2019-12-5  14:30--15:30Place:Room 1418, School of Mathematical Sciences, Management Research Building, East CampusAbstract:We prove tha
Gravitating Vortices with positive curvature on Riemann sphere
Title: Gravitating Vortices with positive curvature on Riemann sphereSpeaker:Yao Chenjian, ShanghaiTech University Time: 2019-12-6,    16:00-17:30 Place: Room 5206, The 5th Teaching Building, Eas
Almost pulsating waves in time-space periodic media
Title:Almost pulsating waves in time-space periodic mediaSpeaker: Fang Jian,Harbin Institute of TechnologyTime:2019-11-26     14:30--15:30Place: Room 1418, School of Mathematical Sciences, Management Research Building, E
Scrollar syzygy and Galois representation
Title: Scrollar syzygy and Galois representationSpeaker:Zhao Yongqiang, Westlake UniversityTime: 2019-12-4,  16:00-17:30 Place: Room 5107, The 5th Teaching Building, East CampusAbstract:The theory of scrol
Stability of type II blow up solution to energy-critical wave map equation
Title:Stability of type II blow up solution to energy-critical wave map equationSpeaker:Miao Shuang (Wuhan University)Time:2019-11-27        16:30-17:30Room:Room 5205, The 5th Teaching Building, East Campu
On Feigin homomorphisms for quantum shuffle algebras
Title:On Feigin homomorphisms for quantum shuffle algebrasSpeaker:Marc Rosso,Université Paris Diderot-Paris 7Time:2019-11-19   16:00-17:00Place:Room 1418, School of Mathematical Sciences, Management Research Building, East Campus&