报告题目:Singular quasilinear SPDEs in random environment
报告人:谢宾 教授, Shinshu University (信州大学)
报告时间:2月27日 10:00
We first present local-in time solvability and then the long-time behavior of quasilinear SPDEs driven by spatial white noise. The main quasilinear SPDE discussed in this talk is originally derived from a hydrodynamic scaling limit of the zero-range process in a random environment. We establish the convergence result of the quasilinear SPDE driven by a mild noise by the paracontrolled calculus, which gives the local-in-time solvability of our quasilinear SPDE and then under some restriction on the coefficients, we show the global-in-time solvability and the convergence of the solution to its stationary solution. This talk is mainly based on a joint work with T. Funaki.