01-10【段治豪】五教5101 吴文俊数学重点实验室数学物理系列报告之2025-01


题目:Automorphic functions in N=4 Super Yang--Mills Theory




摘要:In this talk, we explore integrated correlators in four-dimensional N = 4 super Yang-Mills theory, which encapsulate rich physical phenomena such as scattering amplitude in curved spacetime and exhibit interesting mathematical structures closely related to automorphic functions for SL(2,Z). After reviewing some known results about integrated four-point correlators, I will talk about the integrated two-point correlators in the presence of a line defect, which remain largely unexplored. In particular, we examine their modular behaviour under the SL(2,Z) action and conjecturally decompose them into a novel class of automorphic functions.