04-01【苏文藻】五教5107 研究生教育创新计划高水平学术前沿系列报告


报告题目:Some Recent Advances in Non-Convex Optimization for Machine Learning, Signal Processing, and Statistics

报告人:苏文藻 教授  (香港中文大学)

报告时间:41日 下午1645



Part ISome Recent Advances in Non-Convex Optimization for Machine Learning, Signal Processing, and Statistics


In recent years, there has been a growing interest in utilizing non-convex optimization techniques to tackle machine learning, signal processing, and statistical applications. Although such a development seems to run contrary to the long-held belief that non-convex optimization problems pose serious analytic and algorithmic challenges, it is proven to be practically relevant and opens up an exciting avenue for dealing with contemporary applications. In this talk, I will discuss some of the recent developments and possible areas for further investigation.

Part II: Briefing on the HKPFS Summer Workshop at CUHK Faculty of Engineering


In this talk, I will introduce opportunities for PhD studies at the Faculty of Engineering of CUHK and the available scholarships, particularly the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS). I will also introduce the HKPFS Summer Workshop organized by the CUHK Faculty of Engineering this summer.


苏文藻教授于2007年加入香港中文大学,现为研究院院长、晨兴书院副院长及系统工程与工程管理学系教授,IEEE Fellow。苏教授的主要研究为最优化理论及其在科学和工程领域上的应用,最近的重点研究是最优化理论与算法设计,涵盖计算几何、机器学习、信号处理及算法博弈论等。苏教授对信号处理和通信中称为半定松弛的核心优化技术的理论和应用做出了重要贡献,可应用于为重要问题得出可高效计算和有效的解决方案。苏教授于2019年获颁港中文工程学院杰出学者,并曾获多个研究奖项,包括2018IEEE信号处理学会杰出论文奖、港中大2016-17CUHK Research Excellence Award2015IEEE信号处理学会信号处理杂志杰出论文奖、2010年美国运筹学与管理学研究协会的优化学会青年奖等。