05-31起【覃 帆】五教5402&5205 几何拓扑及高阶Teichmuller研讨班系列报告之十八


报告题目:Bracelets are theta functions 

报告人:覃帆, 上海交通大学

时间:2023年5月31日(周三) 10:00,东区第五教学楼5402教室

          2023年5月31日(周三) 14:00,东区第五教学楼5205教室

          2023年6月1日  (周四) 10:00,东区第五教学楼5402教室

摘要:The skein algebra of a marked surface possesses the basis of bracelet elements constructed by Fock-Goncharov and Musiker-Schiffler-Williams. As a cluster algebra, it also admits the theta basis from the cluster scattering diagram by Gross-Hacking-Keel-Kontsevich. 

In this series of talks, we show that the two bases coincide except for the once-punctured torus. It is based on a joint work with Travis Mandel. Our results extend to quantum cluster algebras with coefficients arising from the surface even in punctured cases. Long-standing conjectures on strong positivity and atomicity follow as corollaries. We also connect our results to Bridgeland's stability scattering diagrams.