03-31【Zhenhao LI】五教5106 Spectral Geometry Seminar 系列讲座之 026


Speaker: Zhenhao LI (University bielefeld )

Time:March 31, 16:00-17:00

Place: Fifth Teaching Building, Classroom 5106

Title: On synthetic Ricci curvature bounds on metric-measure spaces

Abstract: The setting of metric-measure spaces with synthetic Ricci bounds (e.g. CD/RCD spaces) has attracted not only analysts but also quite many geometers. In this talk, I will first present the classical Lott-Villani-Sturm theory on the synthetic lower Ricci bound relying on the convexity of entropy functionals. Also I will mention another description by the contraction of Wasserstein distances between heat flows, in the spirit of Bakry-Emery. If time permits, I will talk about recent topics on generalising above two viewpoints to the theory of Ricci flows.