【03月07日-04月04日】 腾讯会议 Introduction to Schubert varieties 系列讲座


报告题目:Introduction to Schubert varieties 


时间:2023年3月7、14、21、28日17:00-18:30,4月4日   16:00-17:30

地点:腾讯会议号:942 663 0176,无需密码

摘要:Schubert varieties first appeared in the work of Hermann Schubert in the study of the following question: how many geometric shapes with definite definitions fulfill given conditions? Schubert gave a non-rigorous approach to the general question by transforming geometric conditions to symbolic calculus; to put it on a rigorous foundation is Hilbert’s 15th problem. A typical example of such a question is: given four lines in a three-dimensional complex space, how many lines intersect them all?

The first goal of this lecture is to establish an appropriate algebro-geometric setup (Schubert calculus on Grassmann varieties), in order to provide a solid treatment to this typical example. On the way we will encounter Grassmann varieties and their Schubert varieties, Young tableaux and standard monomials, symmetric functions and Littlewood-Richardson coefficients, etc… In the second part of the lecture we will move to flag varieties. Concrete description of their Schubert calculus is still open; if time permits, I plan to introduce certain recent work (Kirichenko-Smirnov-Timorin, Fujita) from the perspective of polyhedral geometry (a.k.a. toric geometry) using Gelfand-Tsetlin polytopes.

Prerequisite: Basics on affine and projective varieties (Hartshorne Chapter 1, Section 1 and 2). Knowledge on basic algebraic topology (Cohomology ring, Poincaré duality) would be helpful, but not necessary.

