12-02【翁达平】腾讯会议 几何拓扑及高阶Teichmuller研讨班系列报告之十


报告题目:Grid plabic graphs, Legendrian weaves, and cluster structures

报告人:翁达平,UC Davis

时间: 2022年12月2日(周五)13:30-14:30




摘要: We construct a Legendrian link in R^3 from a “grid” plabic graph on R^2. We study a moduli space problem associated with the Legendrian link and construct a natural cluster structure on this moduli space using Legendrian weaves. In particular, we prove that any braid variety associated with (beta Delta) for a 3-strand braid beta admits cluster structures with an explicit construction of initial seeds. We also construct Donaldson-Thomas transformations for these moduli spaces. In this talk, I will introduce the theoretical background and describe the basic combinatorics for constructing Legendrian weaves and the cluster structures from a grid plabic graph. This is based on a joint work with Roger Casals (arXiv:2204.13244).
