06-16【徐士鑫】五教5305 应用数学前沿交叉学术报告


报告题目:Phase-Field Modeling of Vesicle Motion, Deformation and Mass Transfer




报告摘要:In this talk, a thermodynamically consistent phase-field model is first introduced for simulating motion and shape transformation of vesicles under flow conditions. In particular, a general slip boundary condition is used to describe the interaction between vesicles and the wall of the fluid domain. A second-order accurate in both space and time $C^0$ finite element method is proposed to solve the model governing equations. Various numerical tests confirm the convergence, energy stability, and conservation of mass and surface area of cells of the proposed scheme.  Vesicles with different mechanical properties are also used to explain the pathological risk for patients with sickle cell disease. Then a thermal-dynamical consistent model for mass transfer across permeable moving interfaces is proposed by using the energy variation method.  We consider a restricted diffusion problem where the flux across the interface depends on its conductance and the difference of the concentration on each side.  These are collaborated works with Lingyue Shen, Yuzhe Qin, Zhiliang Xu, Ping Lin and Huaxiong Huang.

报告人简介:徐士鑫博士现任昆山杜克大学数学助理教授。徐士鑫博士于2013年于中国科技大学获得数学博士学位。2013至2017年间分别在新加坡国立大学、美国圣母大学、美国加州大学河滨分校, 以及加拿大菲尔兹数学科学研究所做博士后研究员。徐士鑫博士的研究方向主要有机器学习和数据驱动型疾病模型、多尺度复杂流体建模、均匀化理论和数值分析。