10-15【袁亚湘】水上报告厅 国家数学与交叉科学中心(合肥)系列报告


2020-10-15  国家数学与交叉科学中心(合肥)系列报告  袁亚湘院士           

题目:Orthogonality-free Approaches for Optimization Problems on Stiefel Manifold

报告人:袁亚湘  院士(中科院数学与系统科学研究院)



摘要:In this talk, I will discuss some orthogonality-free approaches for optimization problems

on Stiefel manifold. Stiefel manifold consists of matrices with orthogonal columns.

Optimization problems with orthogonality constraints appear in many important 

applications such as leading eigenvalues computation, discretized Kohn-Sham 

total energy minimization, and sparse principal component analysis. We present 

new algorithms for solving optimization problems on Stieful manifold. These algorithms

are based on penalty functions, thus there are no needs to carry out orthogonalization 

calculations in each iteration. The major computation cost of orthogonality-free algorithms

is in the form of matrix-matrix multiplication, which has the advantage of being 

parallelized easily. Problems with both smooth and nonsmooth objective functions 

are considered. Theoretical properties of our alrogithms are discussed and 

numerical experiments are also presented.



袁亚湘院士长期从事运筹学研究并取得了系统成果,在信赖域法、拟牛顿法、非线性共轭梯度法等方法方面做出了重要贡献。在信赖域法方面,给出了著名的Celis-Dennis-Tapia问题的最优性定理;提出并解决了Steihaug-Toint方法的下降估计;和导师Powell合作提出了利用光滑评价函数的约束优化信赖域法;独立提出了一个利用无穷范数罚函数的信赖域法,被国外著名学者推广到整数规划。在拟牛顿法方面,和美国优化专家合作证明了除 DFP 外Broyden 凸簇的所有方法的全局收敛性;提出了一个改进的BFGS方法,发展了非拟牛顿方法。在共轭梯度法方面,和学生合作提出了一个新的共轭梯度法,被国际同行称为“戴袁方法”。