吴文俊数学重点实验室讲座【Dietmar A. Salamon】


题目:Symplectic structures, moment maps, and the Donaldson geometric flow.


报告人:Dietmar A. Salamon  ETH Zurich 


时间:7月26日 周二 下午4:00-5:00




摘要:A fundamental question in symplectic topology, completely open in dimension four, is whether the space of symplectic forms in a fixed cohomology class is connected. An interesting approach to this problem was introduced by Donaldson in his work on moment maps and diffeomorphisms. In this lecture I will explain the background from symplectic geometry, outline the construction of the Donaldson geometric flow, and discuss what is known about it. (This part is based on the work of my student Robin Krom.)

