Mini-Workshop on Steklov/DtN operators


Mini-Workshop on Steklov/DtN operators

Date: June 18-19, 2016

Room: 管研楼1318

9:00-9:50   刘跟前 (北京理工大学) 
            Spectral properties for the Maxwell equations 
10:10-11:00 王芳 (上海交通大学)
            Scattering operators on the conformal infinity of Poincare-Einstein manifolds (I)
11:10-12:00 余成杰 (汕头大学)
            Estimates for Higher Steklov Eigenvalues

2:00-2:50   华波波 (复旦大学)
            DtN operators on graphs
3:10-4:00   王芳 (上海交通大学)
            Scattering operators on the conformal infinity of Poincare-Einstein manifolds (II)
4:10-5:00   王为为 (中国科学技术大学)
            Inverse Problems for DtN operators

9:00-9:50   王兴 (Weyne State University)
            Lower bounds for interior nodal sets of Steklov eigenfunctions
10:10-11:00 冯仁杰 (北京国际数学中心)
            Lecture on Mayer-Vietoris type formula and gluing formula

Organized by:Zuoqin Wang 
Supported by: 
   School of mathematical sciences, USTC
   Wu Wen-Tsun Key Lab of Mathematics, CAS
   Tianyuan Fundation
