Workshop on Mathematics of Quantum Field Theory and Strings


Constructions of quantum field theory and strings have made important development in the past years, especially in the construction of quantum gauge theory in Batalin-Viscovisky formalism. In this workshop we will review several aspects of the construction of quantum field theory and strings and discuss further works in those directions. 

Dates: August 10, 2015 � August 15, 2015

Place: USTC East Campus, Mathematics Building 1611


      Zhi Chen, HIT
      Mykola Dedushenko, Princeton University
      Sen Hu, USTC
      Zhi Hu, USTC
      Minxin Huang, USTC
      Wei Huang, USTC
      Max Karev, Steklov Institute of Mathematics, St. Petersburg
      Qin Li, USTC
      Peng Liu, CAS
      Andrey Losev, Moscow Higher School of Economics, System Research  Institute and USTC
      Xuexing Lu, USTC
      Alexey Milekhin, Princeton University
      Pavel Mnev, Max-Planck Institute, Bonn, Germany
      Igor Polyubin, Landau Institute (ITP), Russian Academy of Sciences
      Alexey Rosly, ITEP, Russian Academy of Sciences
      Bailin Song, USTC
      Nikita Sopenko, MPT(Moscow Physical and Technical Institute)
      Kelvin Sun, USTC
      Fangjie Zhao, USTC
      Dafeng Zuo, USTC

Organized by:

      Sen Hu (USTC) and Andrey Losev (System Research Institute of Russian Academy of Science (NIISI RAN) and  Moscow HSC)

      Contact Persons: Yu Huamin and Wang Xia

      Video recording � Yuri Gnetnev, SEN-CLOUD
Supported by:
      National Center for Mathematics and Inter-disciplinary Sciences (Hefei), CAS
      Wu Wen-Tsun Key Lab of Mathematics, CAS
      Foreign Affairs Project (USTC)