吴文俊数学重点实验室代数与数论系列报告【LIN Jie】


报告题目: On the Ramanujan conjecture for cuspidal representations of GL_n, after Clozel
报告人: Dr. LIN Jie, Universite Paris 7, Paris, France
摘要:The original Ramanujan conjecture predicts a bound for the Fourier coefficients of modular forms. Its generalization to automorphic representations predicts that the local component of a cuspidal representation of GL_n is tempered. L. Clozel has proved this conjecture for the unramified components of a cuspidal, auto-dual and cohomological representation of GL_n over a CM or totally real field. In the talk, we will first introduce the theory of base change for automorphic representations and then we explain Clozel's proof.
