

报告题目:Sparse polynomial interpolation with arbitrary orthogonal polynomial bases

  间:2015726    下午2:30―3:10

  点:东区管理科研楼  数学科学学院1218


The problem of sparse interpolation with arbitrary orthogonal bases can be regarded as a generalization of sparse 
interpolation with the Chebyshev basis. In Lakshman and Saunder [1996], an algorithm, based on Prony/Blahut's method
 is provided to interpolate polynomials that are sparse in the Chebyshev basis (of the first kind). In this talk, we will 
present new algorithms for interpolating a univariate black-box univariate polynomial that has a sparse representation
 by allowing arbitrary orthogonal bases. This is joint work with Erich L. Kaltofen.