01-13【亓维维】五教5306 吴文俊数学重点实验室Dynamical Systems Seminar


题目: Noise-driven multiscale dynamics

报告人: 亓维维,中科院数学与系统科学研究院

时间: 2025年1月13日(周一)15:00

地点: 五教5306

摘要: Dynamical systems are inevitably subject to noise perturbations, leading to noise-driven multiscale dynamics. In addition to long-term dynamics, the system often exhibits transient dynamics. While the theory for long-term dynamics has been well established based on stationary distributions or invariant measures, there is comparatively little rigorous mathematical theory for transient dynamics. In this talk, we present our recent studies on stochastic multiscale dynamics with a particular focus on transient dynamics through the concept of “quasi-stationary distributions”. It is worthwhile to mention that a thorough understanding of multiscale stochastic dynamics often relies on the small noise asymptotics of (quasi-)stationary distributions.