
Home Faculty

Zuo Dafeng

Personal Resume

- November 1977: Born in Zongyang, Anhui Province

- July 2003: Received a Ph.D. in Science from the University of Science and Technology of China

- August 2003 - July 2005: Served as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Department of Mathematical Sciences, Tsinghua University

- December 2005: Passed the Associate Professor title review at the University of Science and Technology of China

- January 2006 - December 2008: Served as a Research Fellow at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

- December 2008 - June 2014: Appointed as an Associate Professor at the School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China

- 2013: Selected into the Ministry of Education's New Century Excellent Talents Support Program

- June 30, 2014 - Present: Served as a Professor at the School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China

- October 2013 - August 2014: Selected as a Visiting Scholar at the School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Glasgow, UK


Research Directions

- Integrable Systems

- Frobenius Manifolds and Related Problems


Recent Major Works

1. Dafeng Zuo. Frobenius manifolds associated to B_l and D_l, revisited, Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN 2007, no.8, Art.ID rnm020, 25 pp.

2. Chao-Zhong Wu and Dafeng Zuo. Infinite-dimensional Frobenius manifolds underlying the Toda lattice hierarchy, Advances in Mathematics 255 (2014) 487--524.

3. Ian Strachan and Dafeng Zuo. Frobenius manifolds and Frobenius algebra-valued integrable systems, Lett. Math. Phys., 107 (2017) 996-1027.

4. Boris Dubrovin, Ian Strachan, Youjin Zhang, Dafeng Zuo. Extended affine Weyl groups of BCD type: their Frobenius manifolds and Landau-Ginzburg superpotentials, Advances in Mathematics 351 (2019) 897--946.

5. Dafeng Zuo, Frobenius manifolds and a new class of extended affine Weyl groups $widetilde{W}^{(k,k+1)}(A_l)$, arXiv: 1905.09470 (36 pages).


Research Directions

- Integrable Systems

- Differential Geometry


Papers and Monographs

1) Extended affine Weyl groups of BCD-type: Their Frobenius manifolds and Landau-Ginzburg superpotentials - Extended affine Weyl groups of BCD-type: Their Frobenius manifolds and Landau-Ginzburg superpotentials - 2019

2) Supersymmetric Euler equations associated to the N≤3 Neveu-Schwarz algebra - Supersymmetric Euler equations associated to the N≤3 Neveu-Schwarz algebra - 2019

3) Infinite-dimensional Frobenius manifolds underlying an extension of the dispersionless Kadomtsev-Petviashvili hierarchy - Infinite-dimensional Frobenius manifolds underlying an extension of the dispersionless Kadomtsev-Petviashvili hierarchy - 2021

4) Frobenius manifolds and a new class of extended affine Weyl groups of A-type - Frobenius manifolds and a new class of extended affine Weyl groups of A-type - 2020

5) Frobenius manifolds and a new class of extended affine Weyl groups of BCD-type - Frobenius manifolds and a new class of extended affine Weyl groups of BCD-type - 2022

Contact Information

Address: School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei City

Postal Code: 230026