
Home Faculty

Lai Yinglei


School of Mathematical Sciences

Research Directions

·Biomedical Big Data

·Statistical Inference

Publications and Monographs

1) Elevated exposures to persistent endocrine disrupting compounds impact the sperm methylome in regions associated with autism spectrum disorder - Elevated exposures to persistent endocrine disrupting compounds impact the sperm methylome in regions associated with autism spectrum disorder - 2022
2) Association between Time of Day and the Decision for an Intrapartum Cesarean Delivery - Association between Time of Day and the Decision for an Intrapartum Cesarean Delivery - 2020
3) A Model-based Approach to Assess Reproducibility for Large-scale High-throughput MRI-based Studies - A Model-based Approach to Assess Reproducibility for Large-scale High-throughput MRI-based Studies - 2022
4) Improvements Achieved by Multiple Imputation for Single-Cell RNA-Seq Data in Clustering Analysis and Differential Expression Analysis - Improvements Achieved by Multiple Imputation for Single-Cell RNA-Seq Data in Clustering Analysis and Differential Expression Analysis - 2022
5) A censored-Poisson model based approach to the analysis of RNA-seq data - A censored-Poisson model based approach to the analysis of RNA-seq data - 2020