12-06【李玉奇】管楼1418 吴文俊数学重点实验室数学物理系列报告之2024-25


题目:Seek analytical expressions of integrable systems with the aid of numerical investigation: study of the smooth solutions of a tt* equation





Numerical computations can help analytical research at least in two ways: (1) to verify analytical expressions derived by long and elaborate reasoning; (2) to recover analytical expressions from approximate but sufficiently accurate numerical values. For example, if we obtain 3.14159265 by some complicated numerical computations, we would immediately guess that the analytical result is pi.  


In this talk, I will present my study of the smooth solutions of a tt* equation (the 4a case in the classification of Guest et al. [IMRN(2015)22, 11745]) with the aid of numerical investigations. First, I will introduce how I checked and corrected some expressions in the draft of Gest et al. [CMP(2020)374,923] using numerical results. Then, I will show how I enlarge the class of solutions and how the analytical expressions in the enlarged class are guessed out by the numerical investigations.