12-09【赵恩涛】腾讯会议 Geometry&Topology Seminar系列讲座之039


告题目:Ancient solutions to the mean curvature flow of arbitrary codimension in space forms


时间:2022年12月9日      下午14:00~15:00

地点:腾讯会议号:135 683 851


We will talk about the rigidity of ancient solutions to the mean curvature flow of arbitrary codimension in space forms. We first give a brief survey on the classification and rigidity theorems for ancient solutions. Then we discuss our recent work on the rigidity of ancient solutions, including a rigidity theorem for ancient solutions in a sphere under a sharp pointwise curvature pinching condition, a rigidity theorem for ancient solutions in a nonnegatively curved space form under an integral curvature pinching condition, and a Bernstein type theorem for graphical ancient solutions in the Euclidean space. This talk is based on the joint works with Prof. Hongwei Xu, Dr. Li Lei and Dr. Li Guan.