12-09【李旭浩】腾讯会议 中科大-合工大科学计算系列报告


报告题目:High order numerical schemes for generalized fractional sub-diffusion problems

报告人:李旭浩 安徽大学

报告时间:12月9号    14:30-15:30

报告地点:腾讯会议:973-9868-4305 会议链接如下:https://meeting.tencent.com/dm/ehItMj3dGXWD



In this talk, a thorough review of numerical considerations for fractional sub diffusion problems as well as its extension to generalized problems will be introduced first. Then, two class of numerical schemes for generalized problems are presented sequentially: (i) generalized interpolation based approach; (ii) generalized convolution quadrature based approach. After that, the convergence and stability of related numerical schemes are analyzed using the well-known energy method. In the end, some numerical results will be presented to demonstrate the accuracy of these schemes.